Sequential Biological Reactor
The sequential biological reactor, often called SBR reactor, represents an economical option for effluent treatment, since all processes are carried out in a single tank.
Its main advantages are space saving and flexibility in the management of industrial effluents that are produced in batches.
The SBR reactor consists of a tank or a set of tanks where the activated sludge water treatment process is carried out in batches.
SBR Reactor Cycle
- Filling: In this phase the effluent is distributed over the sedimented sludge remaining in the tank after the settling and sludge removal process. The filling can be anoxic, aerated or combined.
- Reaction: The inlet flow stops and the reaction process begins with aeration and mixing. In this phase, total biodegradation of the substrate must be achieved.
- Sedimentation: Aeration and mixing are stopped and the biomass sedimentation process begins, leaving the clear supernatant liquid or treated water.
- Decantation: The effluent is sucked just below the surface by a device called a decanter, which must be able to remove the clear fluid free of solids and scum.
- Sludge Disposal: In this phase the reactor is waiting to receive more influent and sludge is removed from the bottom.
Aeration in the SBR reactor can be carried out using different options, such as:
- Floating Aerators
- Aeration Grids with Fine and Coarse Bubble Diffusers
- Jet Type Aerators
In the same way that it is a flexible system, in terms of the type of aeration mechanisms, it is also flexible in terms of the geometry of the tanks, which can be rectangular, circular or cylindrical.
At Sumio Water we can offer you a solution adapted to the particular needs of your project.
For its operation, a control system is required that controls the cycles and times of each of them. Level switches and automatic valves, in addition to a programmable logic controller are necessary.
As for the decanting phase, there are several designs of decanting mechanisms, including:
- Pivoting with Linear actuator
- Floating tubular decanter
- Floating box type